
Rstudio is much more than a code editor for R. It supports a variety of programming languages, documentation formats and data types. One of Rstudio’s most used and most powerful features is the creation of markdown documents with integrated R code. In fact, this entire course page is written in markdown within Rstudio and then rendered as a website. As with Rstudio Version v2022.07, the markdown system of choice is quarto - “An open-source scientific and technical publishing system” Older versions use rmarkdown.

Depending on the markdown system you are using, the typical file ending for the markdown files are either .qmd or .rmd.

What is markdown?

Markdown is a “language” to format text. There are dedicated symbols for different purposes:

Markdown Syntax Output
*italics*, **bold**, ***bold italics***
italics, bold, bold italics
# Header 1

Header 1

## Header 2

Header 2


These examples are taken from where you can find more more markdown syntax.

Using markdown in Rstudio

Simply go to File - New File - Quarto Document... or File - New File - R Markdown... to create a markdown file with some example code and work your way from there. Or if you want to jump right into markdown projects go to New Project... - New Directory and choose an appropriate Template (e.g. Quarto Homepage).

File Structure

File Paths

If you want to use external files in your markdown document, e.g. data input in an R code chunk or an image you want to include, it is highly recommended that you use relative file paths.

ndvi = terra::rast("data/ndvi.tif")


Create a new quarto markdown file. Document your learning outcomes with data, code and figures.