
Sometimes you want code that executes only in certain conditions. This is done via if-else structures like the example below. The condition in the if-statement expects TRUE or FALSE. Use logical operators to build an expression that turns out either TRUE or FALSE.

x = 4 # statement 1

if(x > 2){ # condition
    print("x is larger than 2") # statement 2

print("This message does not care about if.") # statement 3

x = 4 # statement 1

if(x > 2){ # condition
    print("x is larger than 2") # statement 2
} else{ # the false case
    print("x is not larger than 2") # statement 4

print("This message does not care about if.") # statement 3

sample(10, 1) outputs a random number between 1 and 10. Write a if-else statement:

  • If the number is larger than 5, print the message “A large number”.
  • If the number is smaller than 5, print the message “A small number”.
  • If the number is exactly 5, print “It’s 5”