Control Structures in R

Welcome to the R control structures reference page.

# x: a text
welcome_message = function(x){
    upper_x = toupper(x)
    result = paste0("Welcome to 'Control Structures in R'. Here, you find information about ", upper_x, ".")

potential_topics = data.frame(topic = c("functions", "vectors", "data.frames", "conditionals", "loops"),
                              level = c("advanced", "basic", "basic", "advanced", "advanced"))

for(i in 1:nrow(potential_topics)){
    if(potential_topics$level[i] == "advanced"){
        message = welcome_message(potential_topics$topic[i])
    } else {
        message = paste0("You should already be familiar with ", potential_topics$topic[i])
         topic    level
1    functions advanced
2      vectors    basic
3  data.frames    basic
4 conditionals advanced
5        loops advanced
[1] "Welcome to 'Control Structures in R'. Here, you find information about FUNCTIONS."
[1] "You should already be familiar with vectors"
[1] "You should already be familiar with data.frames"
[1] "Welcome to 'Control Structures in R'. Here, you find information about CONDITIONALS."
[1] "Welcome to 'Control Structures in R'. Here, you find information about LOOPS."